Monday, May 11, 2015

11/05/2015 - Khabarovsk - Day for "Abandoned"-s 戰鬥民族的日常

To experience true Russian life, some exciting activities can not be omitted, closer to the Khabarosk bridge, there are some abondoned krains, "suitable" for exploring.

If sill height per floor is 2.5m, the top of the crain is at 8-9/f. Produced in Germany, these crains are all in good condition, still, after being abondoned for a period of time.

This picture was taken by Simon Pak:

Almost reaching the top
This picture was taken by Simon Pak:

This picture was taken by Simon Pak:

This picture is taken by Simon Pak:

A peaceful place, the best thing is, no security guard.

Selfie on top of the claw

Later on after the crain site, we visited the Музей истории Амурского моста (Muzej Istporii Amurskogo Mosta, Lit: Museum of History of the Amur bridge), this bridge used to be the railway bridge connecting the city of Khabarovsk and the Jewish oblast, under the bridge, nowadays, is a railway museum. Admission free on the day we visited. Without driving a car, accessing there is not easy.

Walking on the old railway bridge is okay but climbing, the security guard would keep an eye on us.

Unlike museums in Hongkong, no boundaries between people and objects, looking closer is possible. Exhibit inside the cabin is also okay. 

This interesting attraction, including three more extra visitors, 6 in total in the area, reason can be the poor public transportation connection. 

We went to another abondoned building closer to the city centre but it wasn't possible to get onto the roof, or at least, not for our level.

Simon Pak has his train ticket back to Vladivostok 17., 14 hours on Общий, sitting version of Плацкартный,  as introduced here. Price 738rub, I purchased ticket online for the following day, Плацкартный, 1,256rub. 

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